GB Buying Prices for Postage and Collectable Stamps


Our buying prices (SEE TABLES BELOW) are regularly updated and published on our website. Prices are determined by supply and demand and by following recent Internet sales.

We buy just about anything philatelic, but sometimes it is better to sell stamps on behalf of clients via our ever popular Internet Selling Service. Good single items and quality collections of GB and British Commonwealth are always wanted.  European and Worldwide properties also considered. Covers and postal history included. Good first day covers also do well. Banknotes and Gold/Silver coins always do well on the Internet. Follow the link to view our Internet Auctions Philatelink Ltd | eBay Stores 


GB Market Update and Blog - 20th January 2025


Today we have increased or buying price for 1st class commemorative stamps to 64p each from 60p each. 2nd class remains at 50p.





It has come to our attention that there are several apparently small online sellers offering for sale complete sheets of very modern counterfeit commemorative stamps. Unusually these stamps are sheets with lick and stick gum. The prices reported to us are simply too good to true at around 40% to 50% face value or even less with free Special Delivery on all orders. It could be that there are unlimited supplies of these fake stamps. It is just simply impossible to purchase, never mind sell genuine stamps at such low prices.


It is possible that most if not all of these small traders (none being registered as businesses) are acting as the front end to a much bigger operation. Their plan is to get people to buy small amounts (just a few sheets at first) but when you receive the fake stamps there is marketing material encouraging you to purchase larger quantities by dealing direct. Our sources say that stamps are being sent from a different company to the person you purchased the stamps from on the Internet platform, in our situation the platform is eBay. We have no doubt that there will be a massive investigation going on behind the scenes, by various authorities.


As experienced recognised professional stamp dealers we know that you just can't buy any modern stamps issued from say 2020 to 2025 in wholesale quantities. They just don't exist, end of story. Many of the recent higher face value stamps we perhaps only see 10 to 20 examples per month, added to stock. Genuine stamps really are that scarce. There could be the odd exception to that rule (e.g. a stamp dealer selling off their own stock) but there is just no guaranteed regular supply of any genuine postage stamps.


The Royal Mail just don't give big discounts, and you only get very small numbers of modern stamps from splitting up genuine stamp collections. There are very few good modern collections out there these days and as a result we perhaps only get offered one decent collection per month. Most collectors stopped collecting stamps between 1999 and 2010 (mainly due to the rising cost of buying stamps and the ever-increasing number of varieties needed to complete a collection). There have been very few new collectors since then and most of them are becoming very selective in what they now purchase or collect.


There are FRAUDSTERS out there who seem to be able to copy just about any stamp at will, generally the most popular themes which they think will sell well to the public. Typically, it is topics like Cat's and Dog's, Kids TV and other well-known TV/Cinema and Music themed stamps, which are being offered. We hear rumours through the philatelic trade of large quantities of fakes stamps being imported from the Far East. If true, this makes the practice very hard to stop.


This is an extremely worrying development as to our knowledge only stamps with self-adhesive gum were known to exist up until now. Also, more alarmingly the quality of printing and ink colour dyes used are almost indistinguishable from the real Royal Mail stamps. They now even have proper phosphor ink bands printed on them, which react purple, as expected when viewed under UV light. Without a shadow of doubt, these current fakes could easily trick even the most experienced stamp dealers.


The only way you can tell the difference is to examine the paper surface at an angle to the light. Most genuine Royal Mail stamps are printed on quality coated paper and the stamps tend to have an overall slightly matt sheen. The counterfeit stamps tend to be printed on much poorer quality thin paper which has a more glossy/shiny surface. This is easily seen when the fake stamps are compared to genuine stamps when held at an angle to a good light source.


Under ULTRAVIOLET LIGHT the fakes also look quite convincing, that is until you look a bit closer. The phosphor ink bands appear wider than the bands on the genuine stamps. They do react to UV light which was never the case before. Sometimes it was just a varnished strip on the stamps. The biggest giveaway for us is the four margins around the sheets of stamps, these have a distinct mottled look under UV light, whereas the genuine stamps have an even all over flat uniform tone, no mottling at all.


Please DO NOT BUY ANYTHING from these fake traders, they do not give purchase receipts or provide any contact information. They do not give refunds or answer any complaints. It’s just like throwing your money away. Buying from them could potentially damage the genuine and trusted real philatelic market we and other good stamp dealers work in. If you use fake stamps your mail could be surcharged by Royal Mail or even confiscated if you are caught using large quantities of the fake stamps. It is likely that when these fraudsters are eventually caught (and they will be) they will get quite lengthy jail sentences. Stamps are legal tender just like bank notes so copying, selling, handing or using them is a very serious matter, with severe consequences.


This is an area where the philatelic trade and public in general should work together to help the Royal Mail and stop the fraudsters for good. We must call these people out and get rid of the scourge for ever. If not, we could possibly see an end to the use of postage stamps altogether. Rest assured we will weed out all the bad eggs, it just seems to get harder and harder as printing technology improves.


For me this current situation is somewhat soul destroying especially as we have spent many years building up a genuine discounted postage stamp business and have earned the trust of so many regular and valued customers. Perhaps we should consider this a good reason to stop selling stamps for postage but that would be allowing the fakers win.


The biggest worry and deep concern for me is that genuine Royal Mail stamps somehow get misidentified as being counterfeit and as a result a few packages sent by our customers using genuine stamps end up being surcharged. If that were to happen frequently it would pretty much spell the end of the discounted postage market, for me anyway. The result would be a loss in confidence by the public and businesses to use postage stamps at all on their mail and perhaps be forced to buy postage labels online instead. That would be the saddest of days for the true philatelic trade. Stamps brighten up your packages and make you stand out from the crowd.


Let us know if you have any interesting stories to share.


Until the next time, Dave - MD Philatelink Ltd



We have increased our buying prices for stamps with face value of 40p to £2.55.


WE STILL URGENTLY NEED TO BUY Barcoded 2nd Class, 2nd Class Large barcoded and 1st Class barcoded stamps.


All of our buying prices and percentages of face value have now been updated to reflect the new Royal Mail postage rates which came into force on Tuesday 2nd April 2024. 



Royal Mail 'Swapout' Scheme

This has now been up and running for around three years. Recently we have noticed a change in how this initiative is being managed. Many of the smaller Machin sized stamps which were being swapped previously are now being returned to us with a covering letter stating that they are still valid for postal use. The image below shows a range of stamps recently returned from RM Swapout, which Royal Mail now tell us, after two years of swapping them, they remain 100% valid for postal use in the UK. There could be more to follow so we will keep you posted!



GB Commemorative and Christmas Stamps

The current postage market for traditional stamps appears to have bottomed out so hopefully prices will now remain stable. Judging by our latest June 2024 auction sales you could almost set your watch on the percentage of face value lots of GB postage realise. It doesn’t matter what we sell it all seems to sell for roughly the same percentage of face value.

Until next time,

Dave Waldie - MD Philatelink Ltd


eBay Auctions and Selling Service


Just a friendly reminder that we still provide a very popular eBay commission selling service. Please feel free to send us any decent items you wish to sell and we would be happy to list them on eBay for you.

We have a huge following on eBay with some 63,879 positive feedbacks recorded and not a single negative or neutral comment in the last five years, that equates to around about 25,000 perfect transactions in a row.

We have many regular clients who use our selling services on a monthly basis. We offer high quality listings, a bespoke service, we achieve high realisations and provide quick payment following the sale of items.




Having been in business for nearly 25 years and advertised heavily throughout that period we now think it is time to pull right back from advertising, especially in the monthly philatelic press. 


We believe that most people now know that we have a regularly updated website and therefore would automatically go there for our latest buying prices.


Interest  in magazines is not what is used to be and with the demise of the Philatelic Exporter last year I guess the writing is on the wall. 


We still plan to be on Yell Ltd and in the annual Stanley Gibbons British catalogues but are dropping all other advertising.




Media Communications


I am seriously considering introducing some video content or perhaps setting up a YouTube channel to help customers and suppliers understand GB stamps a bit better and to explain how the secondary discounted postage market through the Philatelic Trade actually works. 


I was recently asked to appear on the BBC, RIP OFF BRITAIN show (10th January episode) where I was introduced as a "Philatelist Expert" from Galashiels.  The topic was how to avoid buying and how to spot counterfeit barcoded stamps. It turned out to be quite an enjoyable experience which made me think I might try my hand at some media communications.

These counterfeit stamps keep popping up and it seems almost any stamp can be copied at will and imported into the UK very easily. This whole topic scares me to death as some of the fakes are so good they would fool 99% of the UK population including Royal Mail Staff and professional GB stamp dealers. 

For me the barcoded stamps are just so new we don't really know in some cases what the genuine stamps are supposed to look like. Who knows what genuine varieties the Royal Mail will issue. This is even harder for any stamps not supplied via the Royal Mail's "Swap Out Scheme" for example stamps like the £3.25 and £4.25 high values. We have been told that fakes of these exist but if you have not seen the genuine stamps how do you know what you are looking at?


The only way to be sure is to buy full sets of all barcoded stamps direct from Royal Mail and keep a reference book to use as a guide, which is what we have done. This could well be a good time to start a brand new specialised collection.


Please contact me at or 07510 312271 if you think this idea would work and any ideas you have for some useful content.



Definitive stamps are no longer valid for postal use in the UK.

Click on the image below to get your copy of our detailed update on Machin Definitive and Regional stamps in PDF (Version 2) form:-

Commemorative and Christmas stamps will remain valid for postal use after 31st July 2023 however we are concerned that due to the sheer numbers of different commemorative stamps issued from 1971 to date that mistakes could be made leading to valid commemorative stamps being surcharged. We raised this issue with the Swap Out Team and they pointed us to a website which they appear to be using. The site is Collect GB Stamps. This site lists all of the decimal stamps issued from 1970 to 2023 and importantly clearly shows which stamps are definitive issues and those which are purely commemoratives. Perhaps we can use the content to tell The Royal Mail and Post Office staff if and when mistakes are made from August 2023 onwards.

Please note we have been treating all of the small size stamps (except for Christmas stamps) as definitive stamps even though technically some of them are actually commemoratives e.g. the Wilding 50th anniversary mini sheet stamps and regional stamps from smiler sheets.

Importantly the Royal Mail Swap Out Team have been swapping all of the small size stamps regardless (except for Christmas) so just be aware that perhaps all small sized stamps other than Christmas stamps might be deemed to be definitive stamps and end up being surcharged after July 2023. Royal Mail have been unable to provide a full list of stamps which will remain valid. Therefore, how this massive change will be effectively communicated throughout the Royal Mail Network and to all Post Office staff is a huge task and will no doubt take quite some time to bed in.

Best wishes to all - Dave Waldie



The Royal Mail has confirmed that stamps containing the Queen's profile will continue to be valid therefore there should be no need for panic selling. Royal Mail issues guidance on stamps and postboxes (

At last the new barcoded stamps are starting to sell so we are keen to keep buying them in large quantities. New BARCODED British Stamps from 2021 onwards ( 

Royal Mail link: Reinventing stamps for the future | Royal Mail Group Ltd

Please call 01896 759703 or 07510 312271 for more information.

Dave Waldie - Director Philatelink Ltd




We always require GB postage; some values are more popular than others so please contact us first if the value your invoice will be £2000 or over.



When sending stamps to us please ensure that ALL DEFINITIVE small Machin sized stamps are COMPLETELY SEGREGATED. These stamps are NO LONGER VALID FOR POSTAL USE

This includes ALL:

Machin Definitive stamps including 1st & 2nd class and 1p to £5;

Regional stamps from England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland;

European and Worldwide stamps from sheets and booklets;

Basically any small (Machin sized) stamps from Sets, Miniature sheets and from Smiler sheets;

HIGH VALUE STAMPS including Machin's, Castle Stamps & £10 Britannia stamps.

PLEASE SEND DEFINITIVE STAMPS IN BAGS OF 50 STAMPS or less this is REALLY IMPORTANT as all of these stamps must be returned to Royal Mail to be exchanged for the new barcoded stamps.



Commemorative (larger pictorial stamps) and all Christmas stamps are the only stamps that now remain valid for postal use so we MUST ENSURE that our UK discounted postage customers only receive VALID Commemorative and Christmas stamps.

Royal Mail also told early on that 'E' Rate stamps from commemorative sets, miniature sheets and Christmas remain valid, as do all Post & Go stamps.

OUR POLICY going forward is not to sell customers any small "Machin" sized stamps of any kind as we think there is a chance they could get surcharged even if they are technically commemorative stamps. Better to be cautious until things settle down.








Updated 12-11-2024


If sending stamps from overseas including Euro zone (from 1st Jan 2021) please clearly print our VAT & EORI numbers on the outside of the package.

The maximum declared value must be below £900 to avoid your package being returned to you by UK Customs. You could add "Philatelic material for valuation purposes".

VAT No. GB 865933187

EORI No. GB 865933187000


British Decimal Stamps VALID for POSTAL USE in the UK
use Commodity Code 4907001000

Customs declaration:

"Unused UK stamps valid as postage in the UK, sold at below face value. VAT exempt as per VAT Notice 701/8". Postage Stamps and Philatelic Supplies. 

All other Stamps/Covers NOT valid for postal use in the UK
use Commodity Code 9704000000


email: - -
tel landline: 01896 759703
tel mobile: 07510 312271

2nd Class = 85p, 1st Class = £1.65, 2nd Large = 1.55p, 1st Large = £2.60, Europe/Worldwide = £2.80



New Royal Mail Barcode Stamps

1st Class - 87p per stamp
1st Class Large - £1.50 per stamp 
2nd Class - 60p per stamp
2nd Large Letter - £1.15 per stamp
Fixed Values 1p and 50p - 40%
£1.00 to £5.00 - 60% face value
we don't have any £3.25 or £4.20 so these especially welcome. 

Commemorative, Post & Go and Christmas Stamps, must sorted by value.

Made up in bags of 100 stamps

(smaller amounts accepted but write number of stamps on each bag)

1st Class Stamps - 64p per stamp (all types)
2nd Class Stamps - 50p per stamp (all types)
1st class large Christmas - £1.00
2nd class large Christmas - 85p each
2p to 39p - 35% face value
40p to 97p - 42% face value
£1.00 to £2.55 - 48% face value

Commemorative collections unsorted and sold to us intact in stamp albums or stock books

We pay 35% face value

Commemorative and Christmas Stamps in Mixed Bags

Made up in mixed bags containing £30, £50 or £100 face value

We pay 35% face value

Lots must include a wide range of different values.


Machin Definitive and Regional Stamps including 1st & 2nd class stamps

These are now obsolete for postal use.

1p to £10 fixed values plus all definitive 1st class, 2nd class and E stamps which are no longer valid for postal use.


(e.g. all stamps from 1971 to date which will not be valid for postal use after 31st July 2023)


Stamps MUST be sorted by value and segregated into clear bags each containing just 50 stamps. We also need stamps with the 1/2p values segregated e.g. 50 x 7p, 50 x 7.5p (not mixed)

ABSOLUTELY NO Commemoratives, Christmas Stamps or Post and Go stamps to be mixed in with the definitive stamps.

If you prefer to take a chance, as an alternative, we can sell your stamps on a commission basis via our Client Internet Selling Service.

'E' European Commemorative and Worldwide Post & Go Stamps

These stamps will remain valid for postal use after 31st July 2023

Up to 10g, 20g, 40g, 60g and 100 grams

We pay £1.10 per stamp.

Presentation Packs, Year Packs and Year Books


Prestige Booklets and Smiler Sheets

We pay 36% face value


We pay 36% face value

All Commemorative Mint Hinged Stamps

We pay 33% face value

Philatelic Numismatic First Day Covers

Covers with Medallions only

2002 Commonwealth Games 4 x £2 Coin

2009 Kew Gardens M/S 50p Coin FDC

We pay full face value of the GBP Coin(s)

50p each (almost impossible to sell)

We pay £55.00

We pay £130.00


2 - Buying Europe and Worldwide Postage




>per 100 $ AUS

Canada (32c and over)


per $100 CAN

Canada (up to 31c)


per $100 CAN



per €100 Euros

Guernsey and Alderney


1p to £5p

Isle of Man


1p to £10



per €100 Euros



1p to £5

New Zealand


per $100 NZ



per 100 SFR

USA (up to 49c)


per $100 US

USA (50c and over)


per $100 US


3 - Great Britain Collectable Stamps


1840 Penny Black


Fine Used 4 Margins

1840 2d Blue


Fine Used 4 Margins

1929 £1 PUC Fresh and well centred


SG 438 Mint Light Hinged

1929 £1 PUC Fresh and well centred


SG 438 Very fine used

1929 £1 PUC Well Centred


SG 438 Fine Used

1934 Photogravure Set of 11


SG 439/449 MNH

1938-48 KGVI High Values Set of 6 (well centred)


SG 476/478b superb MNH

1938-48 KGVI High Value 10s Dark Blue (well centred)


SG 478 Superb MNH

1938-48 KGVI High Values Set of 6


SG 476/478b Fine mint light hinged

1948 Silver Wedding (well centred)


SG 493/494 Superb MNH

1951 Festival High Values set of 4 (well centred)


SG 509/512 Superb MNH

1951 Festival High Values set of 4


SG 509/512 MLH

1952-54 Tudor Crown Wildings Set of 17


SG 515/531 MNH

1953-70 Commemorative Sets Complete (Ord & Phos)


Mint never hinged

1953-68 Wilding Stitched Booklets


of SG Cat Value

1955 Waterlow Castles Set of 4


SG 536/539 MNH

1955 Waterlow Castles Set of 4


SG 536/539 MLH

1959 1st De La Rue Castles Set of 4


SG 536a/539a MNH

1955-58 St Edwards Crown Wilding Set of 18


SG 540/556 MNH

1957 1st Graphite Set of 6


SG 561/566 MNH

1958-61 Wilding Graphite Set of 8


SG 587/594 MNH

1959 2nd De La Rue Castles Set of 4


SG 595/598 MNH

1963 Castles Multi-crown wmk Set of 4


SG 595a/598a MNH

1959 2nd De La Rue Castles Set of 4


SG 595/598 MLH

1959 Phosphor Graphite Set of 8


SG 599/609 MNH

2d Phosphor Graphite with WMK ERROR


SG 605a MNH

1960-67 Phosphor Wildings Set of 16


SG 610/617 MNH

1970-75 Postage Due Set of 13


SG D77/D89 MNH

1971 Machin Scandinavia Presentation Pack


Very fine condition

1972 Silver Wedding 3p Traffic Light Gutter Pair


MNH Unfolded

1973 Royal Wedding Set Traffic Light Gutter Pairs


MNH Unfolded

1974 Tree Traffic Light Gutter Pairs


MNH Unfolded

1974 Fire Service Set Traffic Light Gutter Pairs


MNH Unfolded

1974 UPU Set Traffic Light Gutter Pairs


MNH Unfolded

1974 Great Britons Set Traffic Light Gutter Pairs


MNH Unfolded

1974 Churchill Set Traffic Light Gutter Pairs


MNH Unfolded

1974 Christmas Set Traffic Light Gutter Pairs


MNH Unfolded

1977 Machin High Values (Large) Presentation Pack


Pack No 13

1982 Postage Due Set of 12


SG D90/D101 MNH

1982 Postage Due Presentation Pack


Very fine condition

1985 Scots 31p Type II Perf 14



1987 Machin Definitive (1p to 75p) Presentation Pack


Pack No 9

1988 Castles H/V Presentation Pack


Pack No. 18

1986 £5 FT Prestige Booklet opt 'FINLANDIA 86'


SG DX9 fin

1991 Machin Definitive Presentation Pack


Pack No 24

1992 Castles H/V Presentation Pack


Pack No. 27

1993 £10 High Values Presentation Pack


Pack No. 43

1994 'To Pay' Postage Due Set of 9


SG D102/D110

1995 Castles H/V £3 Presentation Pack


Pack No. 33

1997 Enschede Castles High Values Set of 4


SG 1993/1996 MNH

1998 Machin Presentation Pack


Pack No. 41

1998 Princess Diana WELSH Presentation Pack with insert


Very fine with insert

2000 Her Majesty's Stamps M/S Presentation Pack


Pack No. M03

2001 Submarines Retail Booklet



2001 Submarines Retail Cylinder Booklet



2001 20x19p Christmas Robin Smiler Sheet


SG LS2 Perfect MNH

2001 20x19p Christmas Robin 'Consignia' imprint Smiler Sheet


SG LS2a Perfect MNH

2001 20x19p Christmas Robin 'Consignia' imprint Smiler Sheet


SG LS2a Minor Faults MNH

2001 10x1st Xmas Cracker Smiler Sheet


SG LS3 Perfect MNH

2001 10x1st Christmas Cracker 'Consignia' imprint Smiler Sheet


SG LS3a Perfect MNH

2001 10x1st Christmas Cracker 'Consignia' imprint Smiler Sheet


SG LS3a Minor Faults MNH

2001 10 x 1st Smiles Smiler Sheet



2003 £2.00 definitive stamp with '£' sign missing


MNH pair with cylinder number.

2003 £2.00 definitive stamp with '£' sign missing in a cylinder block of six


Mint never hinged

2008 First Post & Go Stamps


Presentation Pack SG FS1/FS5

2010 Machin M/S


SG 3023 MNH

2012 UK A-Z Sheet of Stamps


MS 3308 MNH

2017 £5 Machin


SG U3920

2017 £5 Machin Pack


Presentation Pack No 105

2020 Christmas Smiler Sheet



Benham, Bradbury and Buckingham Covers etc

35p each

£1.00 each

All covers up to 2015

2016 to 2018

Commemorative First Day Covers (Sets & M/S)

£1.50 each

£2.00 each

Royal Mail Bureau Covers 2019 to 2024

Benham, Bradbury & Buckingham FDCs etc

Definitive First Day Covers

£1.00 each

£1.50 each

Royal Mail Bureau Covers 2019 to 2024

Benham, Bradbury & Buckingham FDCs etc

Copyright Philatelink All rights reserved.

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